Get in touch with us
Our Facilities
We render our services at the following venues:
- Cloetesville Primary School
- Pniel Primary School
We love to hear from you, please send us a message.
Stellenbosch Provincial Hospital
Merriman Avenue
TC Newman Memorial Hospital
36 Rosary, Charleston Hill
How do I make an appointment to see a therapist?
Send an email to request a referral form to [email protected]
Stellenbosch area
(021) 887 7913 or 069 329 2036
Paarl area
(021) 887 6400 ask for Good Hope Psychological Service or 081 378 2981
Frequently Asked Questions
We do accept referrals. However it is very important that the person KNOWS they are being referred and more important that the person WANTS the help. Experience has taught us that clients who are referred without understanding the reason for it, often do not arrive for appointments. For this reason we ask that, where possible, the person needing the service phone for an appointment themselves.
Admitting that one needs help is the first step on the road to mental well-being.
Although we do have some tests available, the focus of our work is mainly psychological and emotional issues. If we do find that a current client needs to have an assessment done, we try to accommodate them where possible.
We do NOT do:
- Placement of children in special schools.
- Court reports
- Disability grants.
- Prescription of medication.
By law we can only accommodate students who have been registered with the Health Professional Council of South Africa as an Intern Psychologist or Registered Counsellor. Four years study (BPsych) in Psychology in a course accredited by the HPCSA, is the minimum requirement for an internship as Registered Counsellor. A Master’s degree in Counselling or Educational Psychology, with registration with the HPCSA is the requirement for an internship as a Psychologist.
Please contact Carien de Klerk with questions in this regard.
Due to the nature of therapeutic work and confidentiality attached to it, we do not have that many opportunities for volunteering. All of our staff are registered at their respective professional bodies and we take ethical guidelines very seriously.
We do make use of volunteers in our administration and with homework assistance or support groups.
Immediately go to out-patients at your nearest hospital or seek the assistance of a medical doctor. After the suicide risk is over, we offer therapy to work through the emotional issues related to the event.